Sunday, July 27, 2008

A staycation...

The latest trend in vacationing has coined a new term, "the stay-cation". We had one of our own this weekend. We camped at Lake Elmo Park Preserve, and can't wait to do it again. The trip in total cost us $36 plus groceries, much less than we would have spent had we stayed home and found things to keep us busy all weekend. Lake Elmo Park Preserve is a wonderful spot to camp, the sandy-bottom pool, the many bike trails and playstructures kept us busy for two days.

One of our campmates turned us on to a new bonfire treat: Smores with Reeses Peanut butter cups instead of Hershey's Chocolate Bars... a tasty treat indeed. What do you roast over the coals at your bonfires?


Anonymous said...

Depending on what you like/dislike this might seem gross or awesome:

take a banana and slice it the long way in the peel. stuff it with mini marshmallows and chocolate chips. wrap it in foil and toss in the fire. grab it with tongs, wait for the foil to cool a little bit and then scoop out the treat with a spoon.

cheap, delicious, easy, fun!

Anonymous said...

i like s'mores with Reeses PB cups. thats the best